Ask any freelancer out there what they love about freelancing. The first thing they tell you is the room to work flexibly, remotely, and how it opens them up to more opportunities. The desire to freelance also comes from wanting to freely select specific jobs you want to work on and higher pay.

Yes, not everyone might be cut out to be a freelancer. But if you’re reading this, then chances are that you’ve got some interest in Salesforce freelance work. The Salesforce industry is one unrivaled with innovation, countless opportunities, and a rapidly growing community. Therefore, the desire to merely want to become a freelance Salesforce consultant isn’t enough. Your skill and strategy need to be on par to clinch those jobs that you want.

In this post, I’ll share some useful tips on how you can become a freelance Salesforce consultant:


Be Clear on your Availability

Before you begin your search for freelance consulting jobs, you need to establish your availability. How much time will you dedicate to freelancing? Will it be something you do alongside your regular day job or solely freelance? Do you plan on taking up multiple projects or one project at a time?

When you can decide the amount of time you want to dedicate to freelance Salesforce, it enables you to shift through several job roles quickly. As the Salesforce CRM identifies work opportunities, you can smoothly go for what falls within your schedule and capabilities. Try not to over-commit and then get burnt out.

Know your Value

When freelancing, especially as a newbie, it can be hard knowing the value to place on yourself. Your value here is the fees you will charge for your work. What amount do you plan on charging: daily or flat rate per project? To have an idea of your value, you can research to get a sense of the prevailing Salesforce consulting rates. The search can be based on your experience, preferred industry, or location. You can ask those already in the industry or start with a simple Google search.

Your charging rates should commiserate with your expertise, skills, certifications, and qualification. It would help if you were unique and have an extra oomph to charge a high price. Building a reputable image as a freelance Salesforce consultant is more vital than gains. So while you should in no way sell yourself short, your fees need to march your offer and deliverables. It then becomes easier to justify higher prices as you grow up the ladder.

All Contracts go into Writing

The details of every Salesforce freelance work you do must be in writing. The work description, due date, price, and terms of termination agreed on should be documented and signed. Considering most freelance jobs are online, documents can be signed electronically. No one wishes to have a bad experience. But it’s best to have everything documented, lest you run into difficulty before the work ends.

Get the Right Tools

Working freelance consultant jobs require you to have a handful of tools. These tools can help make the job easier for you.  IZMIITE takes care of these tools for you. You don’t need to worry, just focus on your project.

Sell yourself

When going freelance as a Salesforce consultant, it’s vital to build your brand. It’s the potential client’s first point of contact with you. So it’s the first they’ll use to judge you. Build your profile on social media sites where your target audience can find you. IZMIITE is a unique platform connecting salesforce freelancers and salesforce customers and can help you find your next projects and connect you with the right opportunities at the right time.


There you have it. Now that you got the information you need, it’s time to find those freelance consultant jobs!

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