Freelancing, which is a term used to describe a career in which a person works for themselves and is hired on a project-by-project basis by different organizations, is becoming a more popular career choice.

In recent years, freelancing has become more popular than ever, with more than one-third of people pursuing it. With the emergence of the world’s new normal, working remotely and freelancing has become need of the time. It’s the freelance lifestyle that is attracting too in addition to the necessity it has become in the present time. This isn’t surprising when you consider the benefits and freedom of being your own boss.

If you’re considering to get into the world of freelancing, whether as a side activity, a part-time job, or a full-time job, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we review the advantages of being a freelancer at this time.

While it may take a lot of time and hard work to get started, becoming a successful freelancer is achievable and comes with many benefits that continue to attract increasing numbers of people to this lifestyle.

More freedom

One of the advantages of being a freelancer is that you have much more freedom than when you work for someone else. You’re essentially running your own business, and it’s up to you which new clients you take on, what your hourly rate is, and what hours you work.

Flexible hours

The ability to set your own hours can be particularly attractive. You can decide on how many hours you want to work in a week and not just this but what days and what time of the day. If you need to go out with your spouse for shopping  or on a vacation whenever you want it’s entirely up to you. In general, as long as the work for your clients is completed by the agreed-on deadlines, you have complete control over when and how you do it.


Again, as a freelancer, you’re your own boss. You choose your workload, your schedule, your dress code, and every other aspect of how you run things.

What matters at the end of the day is to make sure you keep your clients happy. You may find that keeping on top of everything means you work double some weeks and very little others. However, it’s all under your ultimate authority.

Location flexibility

Because most of the time, you’ll be working remotely,  you may be able to choose to live anywhere as a freelancer and even travel while working. While some freelance projects may require you to be near your clients, it’s possible to negotiate with your clients to be on site on some days and remote for the remaining days.

Compensation and earnings control

As a freelancer, there’s no need to ask your boss for a raise. You set your rates. You also choose how much work you take on. To a certain degree, though, rates and amount of work are subject to market forces..

However, many freelancers find that they can raise their rates over time as they do more work and gain a strong reputation.

Improved skill set

Freelancing means you take on various projects from multiple clients. Each project brings something new to the table and provides an opportunity to expand your skill set. You’ll likely find yourself learning new things as you go.

Freelancing provides many more opportunities for growth as you tackle a wider variety of project types.

Multiple Sources of Income

When you work as a freelancer, there really aren’t any limits as to how much you can earn. You also aren’t dependent on a single source for your income like you are in a typical 8 – 5 job.

You can get multiple streams of revenue coming in, which helps you get better control of your finances and plan out how much money you want to earn and work from there.

It also means that you can start freelancing as a side hustle before you take it on as a full-time career.

Let IZMIITE help you find freelance work today

If you’re ready to try freelancing, whether full time or part time, IZMIITE can help. IZMIITE connects Salesforce Customers with freelance salesforce professionals they need. Whether you’re a Salesforce Admin, Developer or consultant, we have a project for you.

When you create a profile on our platform, we’ll connect you with prospective clients right away. Visit IZMIITE today to set up an account and get started.

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